all rise...(or choke!)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This being the first review on this blog, I will try to be a tad subtle...this song sucks!
First of all the lyrics sound like a blonde nursery rhyme. It's like someone shoved a Mic on her face and told her to flirt with the camera, look pretty and hopefully no one will notice how pathetic she sounds. Granted, the chic has great vocals but the lyrics (just like every other party song in Kenya) are as shallow as they come. It probably wouldn't be much of a deal if it was someone else but for a second there Habida sounded so full of a breath of fresh air on a morning in Dandora right before the stinking garbage slaps you back to reality. Whats worse, this production actually had alot of experienced hands working on it. You have Willy Owusu,'s hard to imagine one can screw it up but evidently Her-be-duh! had other ideas. Here's some free advice dear, next time you feel inspired to do a dumb party song, dont!

Welcome to my blog.

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