all rise...(or choke!)

Monday, April 11, 2011


So the Pussy-Unit finally grew some balls and decided to make a real song. And I must say it's not so bad. It's a fresh deviation from the traditional P. Unit we have come to associate with shallow and silly lyrics that have no bearing whatsoever (at this point 'Kare' comes to mind). This track actually has a positive message, great vocals and a superb flow that makes it a pleasure to listen to. So then what's wrong with it? Everything! For starters, this track is too good to be P. Unit's original idea based on their past track record. Unless their mothers woke up one day and resolved to bitch slap the stupidity out of these dude's there is no way they can come up with such a song all by themselves! Which leads me to conclude that the original idea came from Gaza whom I know to be a reputable conscious HipHop artiste. Yet he is nowhere to be found in the video! Oh...the video. Don't even get me started on that! I mean it is actually a good video what with all the reversal effects (i have no idea how that's even done) and slow motions. But you don't just watch a video from Statoe copy paste the exact idea and expect all 30something million Kenyans to be stupid enough not to notice! I totally respect P. Unit for their hustle and everything, but that's just sucking below the balls!

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